Friday, August 31, 2012

Breakfast at Tiffiany's

Oh Breakfast at Tiffiany's, how you always make me feel better. My 'Tiffiany's' has got to be ANN TAYLOR. Nothing bad can happen in that store. It always smells so nice and it's so girly and pretty. Plus they have really cute shoes.

Books Everywhere

Wow I need a book shelf. I have books all over my room. I mean, I love the books but I can't go anywhere in my room without tripping over some.

That's Why I'm Single

So, I was talking to my mom about dating and how it seems like I never find the right guy and she said, "Honey, you just have to be yourself".......

                                                       Being myself is the problem!!!


So, I guess I haven't been eating enough calories. I got really really tired today and dizzy and my mom looked back at my Calorie Counting Book and saw that for a total of 2 days I only had 498 calories. Oopsie. Guess I'm going to start eating more.

...I think I'm okay with that.

Cry Baby

This part always makes me cry...just me? no? yes? alright then I'm a cry baby. haha

Laundry Day

I swear I have been doing laundry for two days now. That's what I get for only doing my laundry like, once a month.

Shower Timee

About to go take a shower.


Whilst singing my heart out to Adele, Beyonce, and of course Ashlee Simpson.

Calories and Cake

                                          So last night my mom came home with some cake....

                                                      *nom nom nom*  I AM NOT ENJOYING THIS! *nom nom nom*

Day 4 of my Diet

Big Comphy Couch

              omgosh I was so in love with this show when I was little. I also thought this guy was hottt!! haha

Can't Sleep

I can't sleep. For two reasons actually
1. There is a bug in my room somewhere and I can hear it but I can't see it to kill it.
2. I can't stop thinking about him, which is stupid. I mean, who would like me enough to think about me that much, that's stupid. Can't wait to work with him Saturday though.

I love cats...mwahaha.

bahaha, this is why I love cats.

Home Alone

                                                           So...I was home alone today....

Cheer me up

                                                        Mungo Jerry - In the Summertime
This song is the only thing that can cheer me up lately.

...Yes that is how I dance...don't judge.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I cant stop listening to my Aerosmith record. I love it.

<----- That's me, up in my room, all day now.


I bought two need records :) Aerosmith and Rolling Stones.


I just tired Yoplait yogurt for the first time this morning...YUM! Love it. I also love the fact that it is only 100 calories. This diet might be easier then I thought.
omg. i cant even. XD hahaha

Gif :D

hahaha nothing like a fluffy kitty Gif to make you feel better :3

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I wonder...

I wonder what goes through your head when you hear my name.

Harry and Sally

Why can't it just happen? Like 'When Harry Met Sally', that was real....okay okay so it wasn't really real but it felt real. Why can I just run into someone at a coffee shop or at the library. Maybe even while I'm jogging since I'm doing that now. Anyway....maybe someday it will happen but for now I will just sit up in my room, listening to old records and reading 'The Picture of  Dorian Gray' and hope that my 'Dream Guy' will pop out of thin air in front of me and confess his love for me like Mr. Darcy.


So, I have decided to take up jogging. I have tried all of those work-out videos. All of those diets and they never work. I might go vegan again. That worked for me and I felt a lot better. Jogging will be hard though, I hate running. I am good at 'speed walking' though. It looks stupid but believe it or not you do work up a sweat. Anyway, jogging it is.

My Goal: 135lbs

Current Weight: 170lbs

Current Height: 5'3"



and here is to Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (pride and prejudice) setting all the expectations of love for us women and ruining our chances of real love with real men. 


Love sucks. I'm going back to my idea of being a lonely 70 year old women alone with all of my 27 cats, with no one to open doors for me or go eat dinner with and four o'clock.

Just Memories

I try. I try so very hard. I try to move on. To move away from the memories of you. But you were the last man I kissed. The last man I hugged. I feel like if I move on from that, then all of Us is really over. I am no longer ‘Tia’ in your conversations with others. I am now ‘My Ex’. That kills me. I don’t want it to be the end of ‘You and me’, of the ‘We were’ or even the ‘I hate it when she…’. I want to hold on to anything that is there. Any of the good or bad thoughts of me that are in your mind.
After a while, those thoughts become memories. That kills me.


I wish you were a cigarette. No, I wish you were the smoke from a cigarette. I could smoke all the memories of you away. I could smoke all the dreams of us away and watch as they float away and disappear. Then I could stomp you into the ground and leave you there.