Sunday, October 21, 2012


So, Cory loved the card that I made him at the last minute and it turns out that he forgot too so at the last minute he ran and bought me a (amazing) card. In the end this is pretty much what happened...

Me: So...I got you a card for sweetest day. 
Cory: Oh, I got you one too....
Me: Yeah, I made yours like a week ago...totally
*awkward pause*
Cory: Yeah I totally forgot about it so I bought this a few hours ago..sorry.
Cory: YOU DID?!
Me: YES!
Cory: awesome...
Me: yeah, awesome... give me a hug. 
Cory: Ok.


Well, I'm sick. I threw up last night at work. I didn't throw up around Cory (thank goodness!). I've been in bed all day and I can't sleep because I can't breath out of my nose. Plus I am freezing all over.


...On a brighter note, Jamie Foxx is fine.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Running running running

So, I guess today is Sweetest Day.....WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THIS?!?!

*runs to get Cory something*

Friday, October 19, 2012

With You.

Geeze. I can't stop thinking about Cory. He makes me smile when I even think of him. When I'm with him everything is amazing. I love him.

With You- Jessica Simpson

Thursday, October 18, 2012


HOLY CHEESE-ITZ! 224 blog views!  Thank you very much! That might not be a lot for some of you very amazing bloggers (which there are many of you), but this is a lot to me. I thought I would get maybe 20. Then I got to 100 and I was like 'WOW!'. Just awesome. Thank you.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


So, I got that other job. Now I have two jobs, a boyfriend, and I'm thinking about college. I barely have any time to read, paint, or hang out with Cory anymore. WHY IS REAL LIFE SO HARD?! poop.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

So, I was working last night with Cory. I was going to the back cooler and on my way there I gave him a flirty wink. When I got to the cooler I was looking at something and all of a sudden the door opens, he comes in, slams me against the wall and kisses me hard. Then after he just grabbed what he needed and left.

Best. Boyfriend. Ever.

All You Do Is Make Me Happy

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This is probably what most people will say at my funeral...yeah.

Monday, October 1, 2012