Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hey, it's been a while!

The Hardest Disney Quiz You'll Ever Take - You got 11 out of 25 right!  Not too shabby. You’re well on your way to becoming a real Disney expert.
My goodness. What a very long time it has been sense I have posted anything on my blog. So much has happened! I don't even know where I left off. Well remember that really cute guy in the Gun's n' Roses t-shirt that gave me his number a really long time ago? We've been dating for a year and a half now. I love the shit outta that guy. I work at an awesome store in Frankenmuth now too. It's all healthy living and all that. I like everyone that I work with, including my boss. Life is looking pretty good. My health has been good lately too. Just getting dizzy spells every once and a while but nothing huge. I'm mostly on Pinterest now though. I'm still not skinny like I wanted to be but I'm working on it again. I'll get there someday. Well, I don't really know what else to talk about. Maybe I'll come up with something later.
Anyway! Talk to you next time.