Sunday, September 30, 2012

thats what i thought

So, this random girl called me a bitch so I just said, "what what! You wanna step a bit closer and say that? huh? do ya? do ya? do ya? yeah I didn't think so..."


Cory asked me out and when he did I was like this

Then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was like this

Then when I got home my mom and I were both like this when I told her



So, Cory called me cute yesterday and I didn't catch it right away so a few minutes later I was like, "huh?"

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So, I found a spider in my bathtub today, so I took a tissue and very, very carefully burnt down the house...

Wow, that's sad...

All he said was 'Hey there :)' and I am happy and freaking out. Wow, that's sad...

Saturday, September 22, 2012


OMG OMG OMG. Ok, so, Cory said that he would date me if I didn't work with him. Then he said I was cute, funny and smart and CUTE. He thinks I'm cute. I am freaking out right now. Excuse me while I  freak out a bit.

Friday, September 21, 2012


I'm gonna go to bed. Heartstrings didn't call today like they said they would. Going to bed feeling alone again. Night All.


Well, I did it. I finally cut my hair. Not as short as I was going to. Its just below my shoulders. It looks a lot healthier now. I'm happy with it. I have some bangs now too, which I love.

I put in a application a while ago, as you know, and went to the interview yesterday. Well, I should be getting a call today (Friday) to know either way, yes or no. I really hope I get this job. I could be a key holder if I work there long enough. So excited and nervous. Wish me luck and pray for me!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I have my interview today. I'm really nervous. I can't stop chewing my gum like a camel and fixing my hair.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I bought this big thing of raspberries and I cant stop eating them. yum!


So, I have a job interview tomorrow at 1:30p. I am so excited!

When I got the call I was like this

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kip and Lafawnduh

I want a love like theirs....I love Kip and Lafawnduh.


So, I kept dropping really loud things at work today and everyone was looking at me like this

So I just kept looking back at them like this


Saturday, September 15, 2012


So today I was trying to flirt with a guy at work I like.

So I was like this

And then he was like this

I think today went well. SUCCESS!

New Spinny Chair

I got myself a new spinny chair. YAY. 


My mom says that I look pretty when I'm sleeping...



Guess who got into her skinny jeans!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Catch up.

Now that I'm off my meds completely I'm tired all the time. I'm happy all the the time again though, so I feel a lot better about it. Work has been good lately. Getting more hours. Going to Goodwill soon to get some more records. Hopefully they will have something good this time.

I'm getting my hair cut on Wednesday. Short. I'm really nervous. I have never had my hair short before. I'm getting one of these haircuts done (shown below). Hopefully I like them. Fingers crossed!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


So, I guess I'm working 3 days a week this week. YAY. Money. Hopefully I will be getting my hair done soon. Maybe next week after I get my next check.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Death Cab For Cutie- Transatlanticism


I am a lot happier now then I was before. I feel free and just..happy. Going to walk through Frankenmuth today. Fun Fun.

Happy Mood.

 I'm actually in a really good mood. I'm blasting 'Dream On by Aerosmith' on my record player and doing my nails.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Call me Maybe? No.

So, I was walking through Frankenmuth with my mom today and a van full of guys sang 'Call Me Maybe'...the whole song. Wow.

Friday, September 7, 2012


So, I guess my butt looks like a juicy apple...Thanks? haha.


I can't tell if I'm actually hungry or just bored...

I'm gonna say hungry...

Nope, just bored.


So, I work tonight. It's only for 4 hours too, so it's really just a waste of gas money to get up to work, but whatever. I'm getting more hours now because Kayce (co-worker) is going to have her baby soon. Good, because I really need the money. I need new tires on my car bad and I want to start saving for a motorcycle.

On a more cheerful note, I don't feel like I'm dying anymore.

...but I am pretty moody. Some bitches might get some spit in their food today...(ps: I work at subway)


I feel like an alien is slowing trying to dig it's way out of my stomach, sides, and back.

I hate cramps.

Look at what I made!

I made a kitten thingy. Maybe to strap on a purse or something. I don't really know. I also made another thingy to put on a purse or something.

I was just kinda playing around and made these. Hope you like. I love the kitten one. I am very proud of myself actually.

I got a pen mark on the bottom one though. Whatever, I still like it. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Garage Sales

I finally got a shelf in my room of all of my books. Yay. Went to a few garage sales too. No records though so that was a bummer but I got some Criminal Law books though.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lord of the Rings

Goodnight All. I'm going to watch LOTR tonight and then go to sleep.

Every Morning

Every morning I wake up with my iPod somewhere in my sheets so I end up looking like this...every.morning.

'Tooth' Fairy Plushie.

This is the Tooth Fairy plushie that I made. The plushie has a ribbon on the top so you can hang it on a bed frame or a door handle. No longer will the 'tooth fairy' have to do any risky digging under children's pillows to find a tooth. The back has a small pocket for the tooth and so the 'tooth fairy' can leave a note or some money.

Front: Bottom
Back: Top

This is the first one I have made so far. It needs so improvements but I just wanted to give you guys an idea of what I will be making. So many more ideas though. I will post pictures of more things as I make them. If you have any ideas feel free to comment below. Any help with improvements on existing projects or ideas for new projects is much appreciated.



Wow, I'm getting a lot of page views. Thanks everyone!!

Anyway, I might start making felt projects and selling them on When I do I will post some pictures of what I make and then link you to  them if anyone is interested. I might sell some of my knitted hats and stuff there to. My mom makes some really awesome stuff that I might post there too. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I don't want to feel this way anymore. I don't want to feel broken with out someone.

Have you ever been in love?
Horrible isn't it?
It means you open up your heart and let someone in.
That means that someone can come in and mess everything up.
They can make you feel something you didn't want to.
They make it feel like flying, not falling. 
I hate that.

But I love him.
I bought some Nicotine gum today. Maybe that will help. I'm really trying to cut back.
He hasn't forgotten me. I don't think it is possible for me to forget him.


I was watching Cold Case and I started thinking, who would look for me if I went missing. If I was stolen or even if I just ran away with someone bad. Who would look for me? Would they give up? Would they even try?


Crying in the car at the Vally Mall sucks. Everyone walking by things that you are crazy. They don't know that you miss something like hell and you dont know what it is or that you want to end all of this. All the pain.

I think of heaven a lot now. I think of apartment 126.5 a lot too. I picture me there. Happy. Alone. Free. Pretty curtains in the windows. Pretty wallpaper. Laughing and smiling.

I want to go there. Just run away. Run away from everything. End all of this here.

That would be heaven to me. Being free is heaven to me

Sick and Tired

The medicine they switched me too makes me tired all the time. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I miss him a lot. This medicine had the side effect of 'suicidal thoughts/actions'. I really hope that doesn't happen.


Haha. This made me laugh because it reminds me of someone. Haha. Love this.

Monday, September 3, 2012


So, I have some news. I went to the doctors a few days ago and they told me that my heart is stable. It shows signs of healing but for now they are just going to say stable until they see more.

This means I have more time. More time to do whatever I want. That makes me feel amazing and more peaceful and just happy.

First Time? Last Time.

It's easier to be broken...It's easier to hide.

Feeling alone all over again.


So, I smoke more then I used to now. Which sucks because I promised I would quit. Even thought the person I promised isn't in my life anymore I still feel bad.

I need a cigarette.

Hot Guy

Whenever a hot guy walks into work I look and Retia (co-worker) like this....

Crack...Lots of Crack

Okay. So my mom and I were walking through Frankenmuth today and she just had to point out this lady with her crack hanging out and we were walking right behind her so this was my face the whole time trying not to laugh.....I love my mom.


So, while I was working today this cute guy in a Guns and Roses t-shirt came in and we were talking a lot and he was really nice. He left. Then about 10 minutes later he came back in, waited in line, and gave me his number. Just, wow. Awesome. Might call him.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


So, my hot co-worker starting hitting on a customer yesterday...

My Oh My!


I'm cold and tired and sick and just...blarg. I want to snuggle up to someone tonight. One person in particular. Well goodnight anyway.

Goodnight All

Well, I'm out from work. That was a long day. I swear, I only got like twenty people all day. On the bright side I got to hang out with Cory all day. I really like working with him. He makes me laugh. Anyway, I'm off to read and then sleep. Goodnight all.

Saturday, September 1, 2012



So I have to work today. Can't wait for that, not! I just really hope people arn't really rude today. They usually are. I hope I don't have to work with this one girl that I can't stand. She always treats me like I'm stupid. I mean, I know that's her humor but I already get enough of that from my dad. Just because she feels like shit because of her life doesn't mean that she can treat people badly so that she feels better about herself, I don't care how bad her home life is. She isn't the only one on the planet with issues. Anyway, that's enough of me venting to you guys (who ever you are, or if there even is there?). So long for now.

Too Much Stuff

I finally threw away and donated a whole bunch of my old stuff. Stuffed animals, clothes, shoes, purses, and a whole bunch of other crap. Now all I need is a book shelf. I have no room for any of my 469 books that I have. They are just laying all over my room and I keep on tripping over them. I can't get rid of any of them though, I still read them. I have to go to rummage sales and Goodwill shopping to look for one. Anyway, I'm off. Goodnight All.

Bad News

Bad News, I'm allergic to my cat.

Good news, I can keep him.

I kept wondering why I keep sneezing all the time and it turns out I'm allergic to cats. Not really bad, but just enough to make me sneeze a lot. So now he's not allowed in any of the bed rooms or the living room. He keeps on clawing at all of the doors though so I have to spray him with water, I will admit that part is kinda fun. It sucks because the two people in my house (me and my mother) are both allergic to cats, so its kinda stupid that we have one if you think about it, but we didn't know this when we got him