Wednesday, September 5, 2012

'Tooth' Fairy Plushie.

This is the Tooth Fairy plushie that I made. The plushie has a ribbon on the top so you can hang it on a bed frame or a door handle. No longer will the 'tooth fairy' have to do any risky digging under children's pillows to find a tooth. The back has a small pocket for the tooth and so the 'tooth fairy' can leave a note or some money.

Front: Bottom
Back: Top

This is the first one I have made so far. It needs so improvements but I just wanted to give you guys an idea of what I will be making. So many more ideas though. I will post pictures of more things as I make them. If you have any ideas feel free to comment below. Any help with improvements on existing projects or ideas for new projects is much appreciated.


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