Friday, November 30, 2012


Wow, I have been so busy lately. I haven't posted anything is so long. Time for an update!

I still work at Subway, which is going good. I also still work at Hartstrings. They have given me so many hours! I haven't had a day off all month. 57 hours one week and then 48 the next. It was crazy busy.

Cory and I are still going together. Which is amazing so far. It has only been about a  month and a half but its been great. We don't see each other that much because I have been working so much. I only see him at work now.

Well, I guess that's all so far. Oh! I am also doing very well at the guitar too. I love it. Well I guess that's it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Finally bought myself a padded bra. NO MORE ITTY BITTY TITTY CLUB JOKES!! yay.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Work Work Work

I have been working so much lately. Pretty much everyday so far. My calendar is full of numbers, words, notes, and times and just UGH! so busy.

Then I find out that I get to work with Cory.


I did my nails today. One hand turned out great and the other turned out...well...pretty much like this----->

Friday, November 2, 2012

Too Much?

I never used to make plans for the future. I never liked the idea of loving or the idea of marriage. But now, I think about moving in with Cory. I think about waking up to him every morning. I think about drinking coffee with him. Eating left over pizza at night while watching old movies. Making him flinch with my cold feet at night.

He's stolen my now I want to steal his last name. Do I love him too much? Maybe.


Nightmares. Suck.

I had a really bad nightmare last night. In the dream I found a letter that Cory had written to another girl saying sweet things to her just like he says them to me. When I was reading the note I turned around and he was there. He started to explain and I started cry and ran away from him. I ran to the ocean and stepped in. All I remember is my head going underwater.

Which is strange to me because I am scared of water. Like really scared. My best-friend Aaron says that it means I am more scared to lose Cory then I am scared of water (my biggest fear). Which is true. I don't want him to think that I am boring and leave, or think that I am too loving or attached and leave. Or even find another girl that parties like he does and leave me.  Well that's my update for now. Nothing much going on.