Thursday, December 27, 2012


300 PAGE VIEWS!!! WHAT THE WHAT!??! That is awesome. Thank you so much. This either means that a lot of people are looking at my blog or that one person is really obsessed with my random life updates. Either way, I LOVE  YOU!
I might be a bit too excited about this, but whatever!

On another note. Aaron kissed me. It made me angry. He knows that he is still in love with Steph (his ex girlfriend) and he knows I'm just out of a somewhat serous relationship. We are still friend but I don't think we can ever be as close as we were. I wish these guys would stop messing with my emotions.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thinking Dump.

I wonder if you know that I still think about you. I still have you phone number. I wonder if you think of me too. Do you? I doubt it. Anyway. My first day back to work was good. I did get tired but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm putting my two weeks in at Bo's tomorrow. I will miss it there a lot. Especially Reita. She is the one that trained me the most and put up with my mess ups and bad ideas...also me spilling green peppers and tomatoes all the time. Well, that's all for now. Goodnight All.


Finally going back to work, yay! So excited. I really hope I don't get too tired. Wish me luck!

Oh, the power rangers gif was just for fun...I love power rangers.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I now own over 85 vinyl records. I'm a happy camper. Well, not really. I hate camping. Anyway, I have a signed Lionel Richie and the original Micheal Jackson Thriller. Plus one by Marvin Gaye with Lets Get It On (one of my favorite songs). I was so excited. The guy that gave them to me was just going to throw them away!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


I can't stop yawning! Oh dear. Looks like today is going to be my napping day. Good, then I won't think about things as much. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! I'm almost done with my panda hat. Might get it done today if I stay up long enough. Yay. Okay, nap time for now.


So, I feel shitty today. Plus I miss Cory. Stupid boys. Making my heart hurt and shit. I don't know when I'll learn. This happens to me every time. I give a lot, get scared, and then take it all back when it gets even a little bit hard. Plus I'm a control freak so if I lose control of myself even a little bit I run. Well, maybe I will learn. Maybe I will learn that it is okay to lose control. That it's okay to let someone in. That it's okay to need someone in your life. Maybe.

Friday, December 21, 2012


So, I finally got my mom to watch Lord of the Rings with me. She loves it! Now she wants to go and see The Hobbit with me. I knew I loved her for a reason. I want to be a Hobbit and she wants to be an Elf. SWEET!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


So I tried jogging...again. Nope.


I get to drive again in 2 days! I am so excited for this! I miss driving. Going places on my own, going to work on my own, the library, Okay so I only really go to work and the library on my own but still, I miss that.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tired. Shopping. Yay.

Being sick is so boring! My mom is finally letting me sleep in my own room now though instead of in her bed. I am still tired all the time but I'm slowly getting better. I am showing so much progress that my mom is even taking me out to shop at antique shops. So yay for that. That will be in a few hours yet so until then I am bored bored bored bored bored bored. Guess I will be practicing guitar all day.

By the way, sorry if there are a lot of errors in my spelling or grammar...I'm sick...Give me a break chief!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Work Soon

Only one more week and then I'm back to work. Yay! I can't wait. I miss working so much. I have to get blood work done once a month for a year now though, just to make sure the Mono is all out of me. It will take up to a year before I will completely have all of my energy back though. So for now I will take naps and eat

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Here We Go Again...

Guess who has scarlet fever! Guess who is single! Guess who has missed almost 8 days of work!
Life sucks. Well, not completely...almost completely but not quite. I am getting better slowly. I have been in the ER 3 times and am on a lot of meds for it. As for me and Cory. Well, we just didn't work out. We want different lives. He likes his life and I like mine. It wouldn't have worked out in the long run. He didn't take it very well though. Neither did I. I cried. Yeah yeah yeah, I cried, I admit it. I miss him. Everything about him. Not that he will ever know that, for a few reasons. One, he wont talk to me anymore. Blocked me on facebook and cussed me out on the phone. Two, I wont let him or anyone else know how hurt I am.

Anyway. The Christmas specials are back on TV. Gonna go watch those and relax. Happy Holidays everyone.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Well, I'm off to work. Subway this morning and then I have the rest of the day off. Thank goodness! I'm going to go shopping.

Cory works the shift after me at Subway so maybe I can sneak in a kiss.