Sunday, December 16, 2012

Here We Go Again...

Guess who has scarlet fever! Guess who is single! Guess who has missed almost 8 days of work!
Life sucks. Well, not completely...almost completely but not quite. I am getting better slowly. I have been in the ER 3 times and am on a lot of meds for it. As for me and Cory. Well, we just didn't work out. We want different lives. He likes his life and I like mine. It wouldn't have worked out in the long run. He didn't take it very well though. Neither did I. I cried. Yeah yeah yeah, I cried, I admit it. I miss him. Everything about him. Not that he will ever know that, for a few reasons. One, he wont talk to me anymore. Blocked me on facebook and cussed me out on the phone. Two, I wont let him or anyone else know how hurt I am.

Anyway. The Christmas specials are back on TV. Gonna go watch those and relax. Happy Holidays everyone.

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