Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Suppose...

My mom had this reaction when I told her that Char told everyone that I was a whore. I love her so...


Some guy that works at Wendy's asked me for my number while I was going through a drive-thru window. That's a first for me. He was 24 so I didn't give it to him but still. Thank you kind whatever your name is!

Oh, the gif? Well it makes me giggle...that's why.

Downton Abbey.

Downton Abbey is on tonight! So excited! When I thought they were going to lose their castle I felt so bad for them. Downton Place is very 'cute' though. Freakin' cute? It's huge! So excited though. Making tea and fried green tomatoes to celebrate. Yay.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I watched the movie The Illusionist finally. I am in love with it. I want a love like that. I want a love like a lot of this. Mostly I want to have that 'funny love' with some one. Any love really would be lovely. I miss him, who ever he is, and I love him more then he will ever know, who ever he is. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Goodnight all.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today was my last day at Subway. Cory was kinda a jerk. That sucked. I'm really going to miss him. I will really miss Rita too. I will admit when I left it felt good. Toodaloo all! Time for bed. Goodnight.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Diet: Day One

Day one of my diet. So far it's going well....but I am realizing why I am fat.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Outta My Head.

Jon, please get out of my head. This reminded me of him. I don't know why. OH MAN! My blog turned into one of those where the girl just whines on it all the time. Whatever, It will make everyone else feel good about themselves. haha. Goodnight all.

Eat My Feelings.

I just really want to eat my feelings right now. I'm so freaking lonely. It probably doesn't help that I have been watching Bed Of Roses, Benny and Joon, Beauty and the Beast, and It Could Happen To You. You know what I really want right now? A double quarter pounder from McDonald's. You know what I really really want right now? Somebody. I know, stupid right? Whatever. I'm going to keep watching Bed Of Roses and then go to bed...alone. Goodnight all my lovelies. 

Monday, January 7, 2013


People really read my blog from Russia and Germany!!?!? Wow! Hello over there! What's it like? Welcome to my blog.


So, Jon started talking to me again. Randomly. He says he had a dream about me and wanted to know why. He takes dreams very seriously, which is cool. Anyway, I was thinking about calling him in March but then I went back to our old messages and saw why we weren't talking anymore. Yeah...totally not calling him.

Besides, I need to stop going back with the same type of guys. I'm just going to stay single until God brings the right man to my door. Well, not really my door but you know what I mean. My mom says I need to lower my expectations and stop finding something wrong with every guy I try dating but that's just what she thinks.

So, Just a warning. This might be me for a while....Lovely. Wow, that was maybe one gif too many...Whatever I love gifs.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Not Anymore.

Today at work Cory asked me why I want to stay single for a long time. I told him I was just too busy right now, but really I just don't want to hurt anymore. It's easier to be alone. I don't want to love someone and fall apart again. I don't want to forget who I am without someone. It's easier not to love. Love isn't worth the pain of being hurt. It just isn't. I can't. Not anymore.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Morning.

Happy January 2nd everyone. Everyone else is talking about their new years resolutions so I thought I would make up my own. I have two actually. One is very easy and the other is rather hard. (that's what she said). The first is to keep the inside of my car clean. It is really really dirty right now. I just throw my wrappers and stuff back there and then never pick it up. The other is to do something new once a month. I am very much a creature of habit lately and it's starting to bug me. I really need to get out more and do something other then work. Even though I love working. Any who, I'm off. Time to clean my car. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year everyone. No I didn't stay up.  Yes I am still very tired. Now it's time for work. So enjoy this new year every one and good luck.